
50 years of impactful history, growth, and stories – that's the essence of AIESEC in Egypt. Joining six years ago, leading this incredible organization felt like a distant dream. Yet, here I am, a testament to the fact that dreams do come true. AIESEC in Egypt molded me into the leader I am today, allowing me to shape others for a better world.

In this journey filled with impactful history and glory, AIESEC in Egypt has touched countless lives, leaving an indelible mark on the people it has served. Being at the forefront of AIESEC in Egypt is both a privilege and a responsibility, woven with a rich tapestry of history and glory. It's not just a role; it's a life-changing experience that demands courage and consistency. Now, it's time for the 51st President. With gratitude and pride,

I officially announce the opening of applications for the role of the 51st President! May your journey be as impactful and rewarding as mine has been, shaping the legacy of AIESEC in Egypt for many years to come!


MCP Role

  • Planning
    Organize the process of MC planning. Build and implement tracking and decision making systems. Track, review, coach MCVPs on their strategic plans. Support in budgeting and financial decision making.
  • Team Management
    Build and implement management tools and principles. Organize and run MC Team Days. Align and coordinate MCVPs during conferences and events. Run MC weekly Meetings. Ensure that all MCVPs have a correct plan and clear job description. Run HR processes in the MC.
  • Organizational Development
    Build relationship and negotiate with other MCPs about country partnerships. Track organizational goals and indicators. Ensure that conferences are being used correctly. Ensure the alignment of MCVPs with the strategies of LCs development and support. Support the development of strategies for positioning to stakeholders.
  • Internal & External Representation
    Represent AIESEC in Egypt as an entity in events and meetings. Track and manage MC main accounts. Support in product development and in creating strategies for external relations. Internally represent AIESEC in Egypt in global and national plenary and with our main IR partners and alumni body.
  • Governance
    Manage Supervisory Group. Send reports and implement outputs from SG Meetings. Make sure that constitution and compendium are being followed accordingly. Facilitate and participate in CSN meetings. Deliver all requirements for AIESEC in Egypt's membership criteria.


Process and Timeline

Application Release

4th of December

Letter of Intent Deadline

8th of December

Application Deadline

29th of december

Applicants announcement
& Start of silence phase

30th of december

SG Interview

1st-4th of jan

Elections Process

5th of Jan


5th of Jan

Application Package

Application Package and Letter of Intent should be sent to - and



Tell us more about yourself in one A4 PDF page max.


Blank Paper Challenge

In one page PDF propose & give an answer to the biggest question that you have for AIESEC in Egypt today.


Executive summary

One page PDF summary of your entire application.



One A4 PDF page max .


Personal Photo

It will be used in the Candidates Announcement, if you pass application phase.


Introduction Video

4 to 7 mins CREATIVE introduction video with your personal Introduction:
why are you applying for MCP and strategy executive summary presentation.
Please upload to Youtube or drive and provide the link in a PDF.



Structure a proposal that reflects your vision as MCP candidate for the 24.25 term, taking into account the 5 elements of A2025 (direction, goals, strategy, portfolio and culture) .
Please add: 1. Plan to fulfill legal and financial obligations according to available resources.
2. Possible national structure for the 24.25 term.


Election's Managers


Nehal Mohamed

MCVP BD 23'24'

Mariam Maissara

MCVP MXP 23'24'